
Smart Choices

If you find yourself thinking everyone is doing it, try changing your perspective to focus on what truly matters: you and your goals. 

What is an STI speech bubble over black background with icons

STI: Get the Facts

Learn more about sexually transmitted infections (STIs), how you can protect yourself, how to find out if you have one, and your next steps if you do!

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Ask the Experts: Sexual Health with Dr. Ramos

Teens Ask the Expert: Dr. Ramos

Do you have questions about sexual health and sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? Check out our conversation with Dr. Vincent Guilamo-Ramos and a panel of teens from the We Think Twice community!

Watch the video
Young dad caring for a baby

Real Cost of Caring for a Baby

Do you know what it costs to care for a baby during your teen years? Take this quiz to find out. 

Take the Quiz
Girls whispering

Check Your Reality

Do you know what other teens are doing? Take a quiz to find out. 

Quiz Yourself
A person scrolls on their phone. Text reads, "Check Your Screen Time".

Check Your Screen Time

How often are you on your phone? Check out your current screen habits and learn how to reconnect to your surroundings. 

Check Your Habits
8 out of 10
Teens Do Not Smoke Marijuana

In Your Words

I think twice about drugs, alcohol and sex, so I can become a doctor. —Gabriella, 13

I think twice about making bad decisions, so I can reach my goals. —Marcus, 15

Treatment for Drugs and Alchohol

Resources to Quit Smoking and Vaping

Drugs and Alcohol

Tobacco and Vaping


Resisting Peer Pressure 


Lifestyle & Current Events