There have been a lot of changes as a result of COVID-19. Whether you are dealing with remote learning, isolation from family and friends, or trying to make sense of health guidelines, here are some resources that can help.

Teens Ask the Expert: Dr. Fauci
Check out our conversation with Dr. Fauci and a panel of teens from the WTT community!

4 Tips for Virtual Learning
Virtual learning during COVID-19? Discover 4 ways for dealing with distractions, stress, and isolation.

Latest COVID Vaccine Guidance
The CDC recommends that everyone 12 years and older should get a COVID-19 vaccination. Read the latest guidance from CDC.
6 out of 10
teens say that the COVID-19 pandemic has increased feelings of loneliness.
Find resources to help manage your loneliness and anxiety. And connect with others on Instagram @WeThinkTwice
Coping with COVID-19
- Five Tips for Tackling Changes to Your Personal Routine, Youth Engaged 4 Change
- How to Stay Connected During Times of Physical Distancing, #BeThe1To Help Save a Life, SAMHSA
- Support for Teens and Young Adults, Stress and Coping (COVID-19), CDC
How Teenagers Can Protect Their Mental Health During COVID-19, UNICEF