
Mental Health

Hands reaching out with how can I help a friend who is struggling in a thought bubble

Supporting Friends’ Mental Health

Sometimes, it is hard to know when someone is struggling or what to do about it. Test your knowledge of mental health warning signs and see how you would help a friend in this scenario-based quiz.

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Girl in the rain face down with orange hand giving her a flower

3 Ways to Support Friends' Mental Health

You can help a friend struggling with mental health by 1) knowing warning signs, 2) showing you care and 3) providing resources. Get more tips, like how to take care of yourself as you support others!

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Mental Health for Young Men

Hey guys, mental health struggles are normal, and you’re not in it alone. Learn more about when you should reach out for help and how to manage difficult emotions when they come up.

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Graphic with a picture of Dr. Jill Ehrenreich-May, spo

Teens Ask the Expert: Dr. Jill

Do you have questions about mental health? Check out our Q&A with Dr. Jill Ehrenreich-May and a panel of teens from the We Think Twice™ audience!

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Start the conversation. (Image shows two femme people hugging)

How to Talk about Mental Health

Talking about your mental health with adults might seem awkward or difficult at times. Follow these tips to help start the conversation!

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An animated person with a big brain dances.

6 Facts About Your Brain

A lot of what you experience as a teenager can be explained by your changing brain. 

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Digital art of girl with eyes closed

8 Healthy Habits for Mindfulness

Follow these steps as a starting place for your mindfulness and self-care journey.

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Tips to Stop Negative Self-Talk

Beating yourself up? Here are some tips to help you balance that self-critical voice.

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sad youth on phone

Mental Health and Social Media

Take this quiz to learn how your social media habits might be affecting you.

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Flowers grow from a person's mind.

Mental Health Facts

Did you know? 1 out of 5 youth experience a mental health disorder each year. You are not alone and help is available. 

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Mental health impacts everyone. We all have good and bad days, and sometimes those days turn into weeks or months. Learning how to cope with difficult emotions and finding a support system can help you get through tough times.

In Your Words

I see a therapist once a week, by choice. We don’t judge and we feel safe to talk about anything with each other. It is great to have someone to talk to.          —Amber, 19

In order to keep a healthy mind, body, and soul, I keep all things that calm me closely. My close circle of friends keep each other in check and keep each other confident about life. —Kaylee, 18

Mental Health Helplines

Advice for How and When to Ask for Help

Find Mental Health Care Providers Near You

  • Find treatment options in your area on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website

Mental Health and Wellness