Guide to Successful Failures
How can you overcome fear of failure—and even turn failure into success?
This Guide to Successful Failures is inspired by teen submissions to the We Think Twice™ Fantastic Failures contest.
Four strategies for failing successfully, recommended by teens who have been through it, are:
- Refocus priorities
- Prioritize growth over perfection
- Foster gratitude
- Embrace your emotions
Each strategy includes:
- A question you can ask yourself, designed to help you bounce back in moments you experience failure.
An affirmation you can tell yourself, to remind yourself of each strategy.
Quotes from teens that demonstrate how these strategies have helped them reframe failure.
We all fail. The question is: How do you respond to failure and disappointment? A lot of us fear the failure itself, but you can learn from it and turn failures into successes.
But there are ways to turn failures into successes. Before we dive into the Guide to Successful Failures, it is important to understand your current relationship to failure. Ask yourself:
What failures have I experienced?
What did failure feel like?
Does the fear of failure influence my decisions and actions?
“I froze, doing everything in my power to not panic... I could feel the tears welling up in the corners of my eyes...” - Riley (18)
1. Refocus priorities
Question: How can I reframe my failure?
“I recognized that my fears and falls weren't setbacks but stepping stones toward self-confidence, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of the diverse world around me.” - Leila (18)
Affirmation: My effort and resilience matter. And I will give myself rest and grace when I need it.
“It’s not over until I give up.” - Reha (14)
2. Prioritize growth over perfection
Question: How can I grow from this?
“I will lose frequently and embarrassingly, and that’s ok. What matters more is how I deal with loss.” - Reha (14)
Affirmation: Imperfection is beautiful.
“With failure, you can learn more than you can being perfect. Failing lets you learn and grow from your mistakes so you can reach even higher.” - Kallie (15)
3. Foster gratitude
Question: What little wins can I be grateful for?
“Failing to buy a gift taught me the joy of creating something imbued with meaning. Now embroidery is my hobby and I am forever grateful for the unexpected blessings that can come from perceived failures.” - Anhatam (17)
Affirmation: This failure will create space for other amazing things.
“Not winning the class presidency allowed me to expand my law studies by giving back...” - Veronica (17)
4. Embrace your emotions
Question: How can sharing this experience help me and others?
“As expected, my mother was disappointed in me, but it led to me kind of spilling everything out. I told her all about how I really felt about my life and my emotions, telling her that I wanted to seek out therapy.” - Clover (17)
Affirmation: Resilience is strength.
“Resilience, I discovered, wasn’t just a shield against setbacks; it was a mindset that allowed me to confront my challenges with determination and courage.” - Ava (17)